
Kh 358 2 days
Kh 358 2 days

  1. KH 358 2 DAYS ARCHIVE
  2. KH 358 2 DAYS PS3

All related images are © by Touchstone Pictures. Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas is ® Touchstone Ltd. All related images are © by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All images, music, logo's, etc are © Square-Enix & BV Games. Kingdom Hearts Kingdom is © 2005-2013 Final Fantasy Kingdom, & I.M. Below is a complete list of the prizes you can gain for and. This is where doing Missions and challenges pays off big time. Turn in another 5, and you will get a Haste panel, and so on. Example is when you turn in 5, you will get a Slot Releaser. For every 5 you turn in, you will get a reward. Take these to the Moogle shop and turn them in. the Nintendo DS games Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded feature as cinematic cutscene-only experiences that just recap the story of. When you partake in challenges or missions, you will get or respectively. Same for 3, 4 etc.įill the mission gauge completely on all missionsĬollect all Secret Reports by winning all Challenge missions For the things with two prices, it simply means there are two sold in that rank. Below is a complete list of items and such that can be bought in each of Roxas's ranks. And as always, new panels become available to synthesize as Roxas gains rank and new materials.Īnd that is about all there really is to the Moogle Shop. The Moogle charges Munny to synthesize panels. Synthesis allows for the creation of new panels out of two existing panels. This is done to prevent reacquiring Heart Points through selling panels. Note that it is Munny, not Heart Points, which is required to purchase them. Selling your panels to the Moogle will get you Munny. When you get a new rank, the Moogle's inventory will change. As you go through the game, you will gain new rank in the organization. These are obtained from Emblem Heartless, which you learn about in one of the first few missions. Also you come here to redeem or for rewards. He will then sell and buy items, panels, etc. In the future I'd like to give this BGM treatment to all the games (perhaps in 4k *hmm*), but that'll take a little while.Beginning on day 26, the moogle will appear in the Grey Area.

KH 358 2 DAYS PS3

358/2 Days thankfully only has one scene with this issue (the Xion fight that was absent from the original PS3 release).

kh 358 2 days

Quick note, Re:Coded still has quite a few scenes with baked-in music that I couldn't remove (all ones from the old DS game, and a handful that are new to 2.5). Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (No Subtitles)(Music Toggle) Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (No Subtitles)(Music Toggle)

kh 358 2 days

Unfortunately YouTube doesn't appear to have multi-track audio support (at least for normal users), so these will probably stay download-only for the time being. If you just plan on watching them, I recommend VLC Player since it always defaults to the standard track, whereas other players will sometimes default to the music-less version (though if that happens you can always go to the Audio section of your video player and manually switch it). It's definitely extra work muting the sound in-game then re-adding it manually in Premiere. But cooler than that, these scenes have multiple audio tracks: one normal, and one that has sound effects and voices, but no background music! This is a first for us, and I'm sure editors will love it.

kh 358 2 days kh 358 2 days

They're direct rips from 1.5/2.5, which means no subtitles.


We've updated the Cutscene Archive with new versions of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded scenes. ​Hey gang, got something special for you today! Definitely a game-changer for video editors.

Kh 358 2 days